Ebbie the blockly html editor with inline editing tools.

There is a need for a productive blockly html editor

We reviewed quite a few available html editor solutions available. While they all seem to work more or less structured, we needed something with a little bit more control. Ebbie the blokly html editor gave us that control. With Ebbie the blockly html editor we managed to combine flexibility on the definition and code side of our projects with ease of use for our clients.

We are happy that Ebbie the blockly based html editor is doing good and is working as promised for our developers and our clients. Since Ebbie the blockly html editor allows us to stick to and use our experience with HTML, CSS and JS to create great user frontends we can provide all the needed tools to allow our clients to be creative.

Ebbie the blockly html editor starts with basic blocks
The blockly html editor blocks are used to create dom structures
The blockly html editor blocks are then placed in a easy to use layout
The blockly html editor saves the results from the frontend editing tools